Tier 3 sponsorSedgman
Sedgman, a member of the CIMIC Group, is a leading provider of integrated minerals processing solutions. Our 250-strong portfolio of high-performing processing plants and supporting mine-site infrastructure showcases the value of our specialist focus. Since 1980, Sedgman has advanced the standard of excellence and innovation for clients across coal and iron ore, precious and base metals, and industrial minerals. From engineering design to project delivery to operations, our integrated approach creates a unique 360º feedback loop that drives continual improvement. We partner with our clients to ensure tailored, world-class outcomes that stand apart for reliability, efficiency, productivity and performance - optimising client investments, maximising resource recovery and lowering unit costs. Sedgman has acquired Prudentia Engineering (expanding its presence in the growing chemical and energy industries which support the energy transition globally), Novopro (a Montreal based project group specialising in project development and operational optimization in minerals processing for lithium, potash, salt, magnesium and soda ash projects) and MinSol Engineering Pty Ltd (hard rock lithium concentration and refining process experts, including metallurgical test work, flow sheet development, and detailed design). These acquisitions in the critical minerals processing sector complete the strategy to become a full service, global provider in the extraction and refining of minerals essential to the rapidly growing clean energy technologies.
Supporting PartnerQueensland Exploration Council
Established in 2010 under the Queensland Resources Council, the Queensland Exploration Council (QEC) is a member organisation dedicated to promoting the exploration industry in Queensland and attracting investment to the state. The QEC’s vision is to support Queensland explorers on their pathway to production.
Supporting PartnerQueensland Resources Council
The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) is a non-profit organisation representing mineral and energy developers in Queensland. Focused on creating a sustainable environment for these sectors, QRC collaborates closely with members, related organisations, regional partners, and stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes for its members.
Supporting PartnerChamber of Minerals and Energy Western Australia
The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) is the peak representative body for the mining and resources sector in Western Australia. CME is funded by member companies responsible for more than 86 per cent of the State’s mineral and energy workforce employment, ranging from mining to manufacturing and supporting services. CME leads policy development and advocates on issues impacting the sector, promotes the value of the sector to the community, and provides an avenue through which members and stakeholders collaborate. Established more than 130 years ago, CME is proud to be the voice of mining and resources in Western Australia.
Supporting PartnerAssociation of Mining and Exploration Companies
Media partnerMINING magazine
Mining has been developed to keep you up-to-date with all of the latest news, discussions, innovation and projects in the Australian mining sector. Our vision is that this hub will arm decision makers all over Australia with the critical information they need to be ahead of technologies and trends to improve operations and compete in an international market.
Australia’s mining industry is on the cusp of significant change; but with great change comes great opportunity. And throughout this change, Mining is committed to sharing the latest developments, news, technologies and thinking that will propel our industry forward to continue to be a leader on the global critical resources stage.